Grade 3 Elementary

     Welcome to the wonderful world of Grade 3 :) My name is Mr. Zahara and I am currently the Grade 3 teacher in CIS. I am originally from Nova Scotia, Canada and I have been teaching since 2003. Since 2003, I have worked in Canada, the Canadian Arctic, the Bahamas, the Middle East, Central Africa and now in  China. I have many hobbies and interests outside of teaching which include coaching, playing sports, writing, reading and travelling the world. (Some of my photos and travel logs can be seen at my external travel homepage:

     This year, we are lucky to have a great bunch of students and 2012 - 2013 will be an exciting year!  I look forward to this year and I hope this website will provide not only students with a chance to practice essential skills but reliable information for parents so they can keep track of their child's progress. Please don't hesitate to contact at me at 

Mr. Z